diabetes education

foods Hard work, your life depends on it... i view my self as a hard working person, as an individual who has a good future a head of him. driven by my will to become successful, i just wanted to become someone for my self, and to do it for the glory of GOD. Being a nurse is a tough job. I don't know why I accepted that offer. To take up nursing in stead of doing what i like the most, playing basketball. God has a wonderful plan ahead of me. I trust him with all of my heart and every decision I make, I always consult Him... I know there is a reason why He made a way to give me this profession that I need to work on, becoming a Nurse. This profession needs a lot of guts, patients and hard work in dealing with your clients. I find my self as tool in helping people to cope up with their health needs, to direct them into living a healthy life. As a Diabetes Nurse Educator, everyday, I face a lot of clients suffering from the disease that they have, DIABETES. Diabetes mellitus is a disease that affects 9 million Filipinos today. 90% of them are type 2 diabetes. It’s a Non- communicable disease that each and every one of us can have. Yes it can be hereditary, but now, it can be acquired through lifestyle, the food that we eat, our laziness, the technologies that we have to day and stress.


WE ARE ALL AT RISK OF HAVING DIABETES. people who are having this disease is getting younger and younger. they just enjoy the life that this world offers them, smoking, drinking alcohol, improper eating habits, poor weight management and sedentary lifestyle. According to World Health Organization, the Philippines is ranked no. 3 in the Western Pacific Region and in 2030, the Philippines will be ranked no. 9 in the whole world. In the US, every 21 seconds, Diabetes hits an American people. That is 4,320 new diabetics in 24 hours time. Diabetes awareness and lifestyle modification is the key to eliminate this threat to our lives. Early detection will help you decrease the risk of having complications such as Cardiovascular diseases, stroke, blindness, End stage Renal/ kidney disease, peripheral neuropathy and other macro and micro vascular complications. start to see a diabetologist and consult a diabetes nurse educator for counseling and health teachings. Let them guide you to live a life that is sweet.



“Do you like Honey? Don’t eat too much because it will make you sick!”

Proverbs 25: 16

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